Dear Family Life Church,

I wanted to take the time to clearly communicate with you about what FLC will be doing through this unprecedented time we are living in. Things are changing by the hour it seems. We have been meeting as a staff and leaders to face these challenges and provide new ways to connect with you and your family. There are some great opportunities to utilize media, video, texting and other platforms to continue ministry to each member, babies to grandparents. 

 Family Life Church has chosen to fully comply with all CDC recommendations as to limiting group size gatherings and encouraging social distancing. We want to be wise and keep the health and safety of our church family and our community at top priority. That means we have a new opportunity to do church like never before. Many people have lived their Christian lives for one hour on Sunday, but we know there is more to our relationship with Jesus. I liked what Pastor Clint said in one of our meetings: “This is more like the first century church than ever. Meeting in homes, practicing generosity and growing in our faith as a family.” 

For the next 8 weeks we will not be having ANY public meetings in the FLC building. We will be streaming our Sunday messages online each Sunday at 10:00 AM. You can still go to church! However, we will make it available to you, whether on your phone, laptop, TV or computer. We will also be adding a text feature to our communication. If we have your information in our system, you will receive texts from us alerting you of new video and streaming content.  

During these times we need to be more connected and less isolated. The digital platform gives us this opportunity. We will be offering a short devotional message from your pastors on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. This will be another way we can encourage you in your faith and walk with Jesus.    

Let me give you some other ways we will be offering ministry to your family. Pastor Lisa will be giving parents and children tools for content and activities for our children from nursery to elementary age. Pastor Trevor will be streaming connection times on Instagram each Sunday night. Life Groups will be introducing a new way to meet with your group through video conference. Pastor Clint is connecting with all our Life Group leaders with all the instructions.    

We are updating and reformatting our website to make it easier to access each of these areas I have mentioned. An introductory video will come out this week to walk you through how to access all the content we will be offering.    

This is a perfect time to practice generosity like never before. Our culture usually acts selfishly out of fear in times of crisis. The Church has always been known for giving and serving in any situation. This is a time where we can demonstrate our faith and generosity. Family Life Church staff and ministries will continue to connect in new ways and reach out. We need your generous giving to keep moving forward. There will be easy instructions on how to do this.  

• You can give by using our FLC postage-paid giving envelopes; • You can give by texting to 84321; • You can give via the Bill Pay feature from your bank; or • You can give online directly at myflc.org. 

Even though we won’t be meeting as “usual” we will, for the immediate future, have a “new normal.” I know the generosity of this church, and I believe we will meet this new challenge and come out strong. Please continue to give generously! Not only through FLC in regular tithes, missions and offerings, but also be finding ways to practice generosity in your own neighborhood. Jesus teaches us the best way to combat fear in our lives and the lives of others is by love. You can give without loving, but you cannot truly love without giving. 

Please know we are praying for each of you right now. If there is any way we can serve you or pray for you, let us know. You can notify us by email, text or online through our website: myflc.org 

We are excited about this new opportunity to serve you and your family in a new way. We are trusting God and serving his people.    

God bless you,  

Pastor Dave     


Dave Benson  dave@myflc.org 

Clint Reeves  clint@myflc.org 

Lisa Lavier  lisa@myflc.org 

Trevor Pursel  trevor@myflc.org 

Arlen Benson arlen@myflc.org 

Tracy Zumwalt  tracy@myflc.org