Annual Business Meeting

April 10th, 2022 directly following service


Jeff Brown

Our journey with FLC began six years ago.  From the first few visits, we knew this was our place.  We joined the church and our small group and never looked back.  Sandy soon started serving behind the scenes on the worship team, running the slides and cameras.  I served for years on the First Impressions team, welcoming folks as they arrive and more recently began serving on the worship team in Carlton.  In the past year, I’ve also become involved in leadership in our men’s ministry.   As the years pass and our friends and faith continue to grow, we’ve come to learn why FLC starts with Family.


Cindy Nosack

Cindy and Mitch live in Newberg. They have four children and three grandsons, who are the apple of her eye! They have been at FLC for six years. Cindy enjoys leading and hosting a Life Group in their home, along with her husband Mitch. Cindy is retired. Prior to retirement, she was on staff at her church for seven years. She was also a Program Manager at Intel and an Activity Director at Rock Creek Retirement. She enjoys cooking, gardening, and picking berries in the summer.


Richard Klus

Richard and Jessica have been happily married for 14 years and have called Family life Church home for the past 10 years. They have 3 lovely children James (12), Matthew (11) and Rebekah (8). The Klus family enjoys spending time together and getting outdoors and going on adventures. Richard is a Tooling Engineer for A-dec and he truly enjoys the work he does and the team he works with. He is also involved with leading the boys involved in the FLC Rangers.